18 April 2013

Keep Calm....

Baby Collins' new onesie! :)
I decided that Baby Collins needed a customized onesie! I think part of me had it made for myself....people will read it and see that it's all good and that this family has a great sense of humour.
I was out for lunch yesterday with two close friends, one has her PHD in Perinatal Epidemiology and the other has worked with families of children with disabilities for the past 7 years. They are such awesome people to talk to and to get advice from, all without judgement, just love and support.

Katie brought along some forms that I will eventually have to fill out and Emma is going to send me all of the links that are necessary for us to receive the supports and resources that will be needed in the future. Katie discussed some of the concerns that may arise but both said that it was so important to value the time when she may not need any services or surgeries or visits to the doctor. Enjoy the cuddles and snuggles, all you have to focus on is love and family time. We are really hoping for this little bean to come out healthy, without cardiac issues and other major health concerns. I am optimistic because of the results from the 18 week ultrasound. Prayers for next week's echo.


Next...some of you know James very well and others, well you don't him at all. You know the saying about how opposites attract, yes that would be correct when it comes to personality traits. I am loud and assertive and a bit on the controlling side....my mom would say bossy but I don't think I'm bossy, I just say things in a direct manner. I totally just made myself sound like a b*%$#, I'm not at all, well, I don't think I am, here's hoping I'm not. I just think I'm straight forward. Anyways, my point is that my husband is quieter, not as assertive and is such an amazing man. I was telling a friend tonight that I have only cleaned a toilet once and that was because I barfed in it, I have never put gas in my vehicle, we share cooking, he lets me sleep in often, he rubs and scratches my back every single night, without asking for anything in return . ;)
I wanted to touch on some of this because I do get concerned about what's going on in his head and how he is truly feeling. When we initially discussed our options, he said that he would fully support any decision that I made. I told him that his decision should not be based on what I want...that could destroy the marriage. I needed to know how he felt and I reassured him that I would not be upset no matter how he wished to proceed. This is his life too and his family and his future.
James also does not have a huge network of friends and to be honest, I don't know how a man discusses something like this with his buddies while out for a beer. "Soooooo, just to let you all know, my wife is pregnant and the baby has Down Syndrome." Not too sure where the conversation would go from there. Maybe "oh, sorry buddy, cheers."
James is fairly close to Bob, our brother-in-law and they have briefly discussed some concerns etc. I think my disappointment lies in that somebody who I thought was James' good friend, his closest friend, has not even contacted him to say hello, to see if James needed to talk to somebody. It breaks my heart. I want him to also have a network of support that he can go to when he has questions or worries...now please don't suggest a group of dads who sit in a circle and talk about their child who has Down Syndrome, I know that James would never go for that, but somebody who he could email some questions to or just connect with once in a while. Who knows if he would even connect with somebody....maybe this is just something that I want for him. This is all so new for James...when I asked him when we initially found out, what he knew about Down Syndrome, he said that he knew the TV show Life Goes On with Corky Thatcher and that was it...oh goodness. Advice?

Lastly....Brinley took a 35 minute nap yesterday, in total. We were thinking about selling her on Kijiji but found out that it was illegal. Who knew?? Should she be losing that first nap already? It was hopefully just a one day thing. :) How do I shower when I have an 18 month old and a newborn? Will I ever shower again? Will I brush my teeth? Will I wear makeup? Will I win the Lotto Max and hire a nanny just to come in for an hour every day and watch the kiddies while I get ready? Oh boy....how do you do it? :)

Just chillin'


  1. Make up ---ha, ha! I just started wearing it since I had Kylie, that was 6 years ago. K & L are 15 mos apart. I showered at night when they were in bed. Shopping is best done when hubby gets home too. So what do you do all day long? It is all a blur!:) Great post today. Sweet how you are worrying for James. You will guide him in all that you do. He will be fine but to have someone besides you to talk to would be nice too.

  2. Oh geeze...I need make up to look somewhat normal!! The showering thing...you know how some people NEED to shower during the day, yup, that is me. It would be super difficult for me to give that up and to do it at night.
    I love James and he is just the most amazing husband and daddy. I always want him to feel supported. That's so important to me.
    Thanks for everything Cheryl. I heart you my friend. xo

  3. Again, our journeys are so similar... I have the exact same concerns for Robert... He told me he has told some of his friends and he has been such a rock for me..... Maybe as we connect they can do it a little bit too :-)

  4. I would love it if the boys would connect. If you ever want to email me, you can. krowland23@hotmail.com :)

  5. I had no idea how I'd keep my clingy #1 happy while breastfeeding a newborn and was worried about how I would shower and do bedtime etc, but you find ways to make everyone happy. I keep a baby seat and some toys in the bathroom. My toddler can sit next to and entertain her baby sister while I shower and I can keep an eye on both. They love giggling together! Thanks for sharing your story. Lots of love,

  6. Robin, that sounds like a lovely plan. I've had a few friends say the same thing as you. I need to shower in the morning otherwise I feel icky. Great advice!!
    Thanks for reading the blog, I appreciate it! :)

  7. OH!!! Where can I get that onesie?? We are adopting a baby girl in and just found out she has Down syndrome. I would love to have that for the hospital, for the exact reasons you say: we are great with this and we have a sense of humor. :)

    Please please tell me you can tell me where to get it. :)

    1. Congratulations!! Please keep me updated. Yay!!
      I designed it on Cafe Press. There are lots to choose from. :)

    2. Ah, ok. I don't always trust Cafe Press as far as quality of shirt. Was it soft for baby girl? :)

      Can read our announcement on the blog.

      I will bookmark you to keep you updated. She's not due til August, which feels light year away. :)
      Thank you!

    3. Truly, the onesie is the softest one we own. I was so happy with it and I'm picky. I'm that mom. I will for sure check out the blog. :) Thank you. Krista

    4. Drats! Didn't realize this was in Canada. Well, it's sure pretty. I will keep looking. Blessings!

    5. I am in Canada but you can purchase items if you live in the U.S. They ship all over the world.

    6. ah.... I'm back. I really want this, but it looks like shipping to USA is a lot. Can you clarify why if this is a USA company? Thanks!

    7. ah.... I'm back. I really want this, but it looks like shipping to USA is a lot. Can you clarify why if this is a USA company? Thanks!

    8. I just have a shop, I don't decide the shipping costs. You can go in and design the shirt yourself and see if shipping will be cheaper. I really don't have that information.

