Brinley had the stomach flu this week, for the first time, daddy and mommy both had colds. Our goal the entire time has been to keep Adele healthy. Don't panic, I do not have pictures of barf or snot. :)
Sometimes the pillow is the best place to sleep :)
Princess Brinley
I love this picture - fell asleep holding her stuffy :)
Starting to move around - that is not how she goes down at night!
Bed time stories have turned into IPad Air fun!
Not the best place for your nose prongs Adele!
BEST PICTURE - You're Gonna Hear Me Roar!!!
So pretty :)
Loves her sister and lately a rosary that she found :)
Could only take this picture with the IPad!
Sprinkles has a drinking issue - then she twerked all night long. Santa needs to send us a new elf :)
Have a fantastic weekend!