1 May 2013

Push Peanut, Push.....

So I was just going to stay home yesterday because I felt pretty awful then was going to get baby's heartbeat checked out today. My dear friend Ryann, who works at the HR Hospital, sent me a message telling me that my OB had informed her that I was to go in yesterday and get it done. I love having friends who care. James, Brinley and I went in but the NST was not too successful. Baby Collins is so tiny right now, just over and pound and moves constantly, so getting a consistent heartbeat is rather difficult. There were two of us in a room, the lady next to me didn't realize that she was in labour, 4 centimetres dilated and ready to go that day. I wished at that point that it was me!! :)
The nurses and the doctors at the HR Hospital are amazing and wonderful and some of the most considerate professionals that I have ever met. People call the hospital the HR Hilton, that's how great it is! I wasn't able to deliver Brinley there nor will we be able to deliver this little bean there because I am deemed high risk from the start. Too bad.

Well, Teree's little one decided to make an even earlier arrival. She gave birth to a beautiful, baby boy last night, just after 10:00pm. He's just a tiny little guy, weighing in at 5 lbs 15oz.
Mommy and baby are doing great! I can't wait to get some pictures. He is being welcomed into a loving and wonderful home. Congrats my dear friend. <3

Just watching Breakfast Television and the host just did a clip on cancer, every day, 43 Albertans are diagnosed with cancer. That is shocking and devastating. I think that it's too bad that the cure, which I'm sure is out there somewhere, is being swept under the rug so all those pharmaceutical companies don't lose billions every year. I wonder??!???!???

Last random thought for the day...there are 2 words that I can't stand, retard and penetration. These two words have irked me for years and make it known to others when they use them. Friends will tease me by using the 'P' word as often as they can, but the 'R' word, they don't use as it also bothers them too. When we were at the Comic Con on the weekend, we walked past a group of people and one of the girls used the 'R' word. James and I both cringed at the same time, actual body shaking. James looked at me and said that he's never really liked that word, but now it just infuriates him.  Be considerate of others.

Today, we rest. Daddy has a full day at work and Brinley and mommy are going to hang out and do some cleaning.  :)
I hope everybody has a happy Wednesday!

30 April 2013

Sneezing and Peeing....

Oh geeze, I feel crappy and want to crawl into a hole and sleep or whine, I think whining would be more fun! I think I may have overdone it at the Comic Con :) and the horrible shoes and the poopy dinner and the over watered plants.....as I said before, Krista and pregnancy are not a good mix.
I cancelled my OB appointment today but she still wants me to go to the hospital out here to get baby's heart checked. I think I will go tomorrow. I don't feel like getting ready, it's going to be a lazy day.

My dear friend Teree sent this to me this morning. I am so excited for her...a brand new baby this Friday!! Sending her love and hugs. xo 

Nausea Pops

3 cups strawberries, hulled & quartered
2 bananas, sliced
1 cup blueberries
1 cup apple juice
1 cup Greek yogurt, vanilla
2 Tbsp. honey
1 Tbsp fresh grated ginger

1. Wash and chop fruit and add to blender.
2. Add remaining ingredients to blender and blend on high until smooth.
3. Fresh ginger is more potent and works best but substitute powdered if it's all you have.
4. Pour into popsicle molds/paper cups with pop sticks or whatever works.
5. Freeze, enjoy and feel better!

Note: They are especially good when delivered to you in bed first thing in the morning

When the girls are a bit older, I will return. I love teaching, I love making a difference, I love kids, I love attitude, I love seeing that light bulb flicker. It's the best profession in the whole world.

Happy Tuesday!! :)

29 April 2013

Kraft Dinner and Raisin Bran.....

Ok, so Comic Con....

My story.....we arrived at Comic Con before 1:oopm and saw that the fee for parking on the Stampede Grounds has gone up, yet again. It's now 15 dollars. It used to be $3.50, I remember those days. We didn't even get to park past the parking gates, it was outside of that, but still had to pay $15.00. Got to the Big Four building and saw a huge line up, we were safe, that was for the die-hards wanting autographs. Went in, got our bands and moved onto one of the halls. It was CRAZY!!! It was packed and filled with very cool costumes and lots of boobs. Boobs everywhere, like everywhere. James was set for the day. Me, on the other hand, didn't have all that much to look at but got pretty darn excited when I saw the lemonade stand. I have been craving lemonade for months and drinking too much of it, but I got excited!! I didn't need any Super Heroes costumes, I had lemonade and it ONLY cost $6.00 for a large. What a bargain!??!?!?!?

Not the best picture but still cute! :))

There were lots of comics, lots of toys and lots of very excited Comic Con fans! We stayed for a few hours, took Brinley to the Kid's Zone and let her cruise around in a mini car. I thought she would have made a scene and I warned the guy, nope, she honked the horn and even let momma take her picture. It was sweet. By this time, my feet were killing, my lower back was spazzing and I was hungry. I'm guessing that the body pain was from wearing my flip flops that are so worn out that they should have made their way to the garbage, let's say, 3 to 4 years ago. My fault.

Hey James, let's go for a yummy, delish meal at Red Lobster. YES!!!!! So, of course I ordered a lemonade, holy crap, it was sugar, all sugar. Baby Bean woke up at that point. Kick, punch, sugar rush!! Ordered our food, got Brinley the macaroni and cheese. It'll be a fancy mac and cheese and she'll gobble it up because she must be hungry. It was Kraft Dinner....what a let down. Dad put a scoop in B's mouth and it came right back out. She ate part of a biscuit and her orange slices. Our meal sucked too. Boo hoo on the great meal.

Stopped off at the folk's house to water the plants. They are home today from their 2 week Hawaiian cruise, poor mom and dad. It's a rough, rough life. ;) Brinley fell asleep so I ran in, let me rephrase that, I slowly limped into the house. Watered the plants and was leaving a note when I heard dripping water, more like a running faucet. Oh for crap sakes, I over-watered the plants. Water everywhere. I hurt, I'm hot and I'm hungry. Grab the turkey baster and a jug, suck water out of the dish. Ok, all done. Wipe it up and get going. No...faucet again. Honestly, how much water did I actually give this plant. After 10 minutes of sucking up water, now I'm nauseous and even hotter. I'm  done, towel under the plant and run, well limp out of the house.

Homeward bound!

Get home, get B to bed. She crashed. Excellent!! I'm hungry, so I decide that since James has been breaking rule #2 lately and not seeming to really care, I will have a huge bowl of raisin bran and do a little payback! I'm so mature! Well, payback was short lived, I crashed and James went and cleaned the bathrooms, I think.

So, all in all, a great day. ;)

Going to meet a friend for lunch today. Hopefully I can move, maybe I should bring a donut for my butt. I think my 90 year old Nan used to have one.

Happy Monday!

28 April 2013

Geeks and Speed Dating....

It's Sunday and we are off to Comic Con today, yes, you read that right, Comic Con!! I think I'm going to have my go at Geek Speed Dating....pregnant chick walks in, what are my chances?? I'm not a comic reader nor am I really interested in the Super Powers world but James mentioned the other day that it would be fun to check it out. I looked for some tickets on Kijiji but people are willing to pay hundreds for these tickets, I am not.
My dear friend Chrissy got us hooked up yesterday with 2 tickets and we actually paid under face value. I love honest and wonderful people. I also look at this as my hubby could be interested in porn and Ashley Madison, instead he wants to go to Comic Con. I love my husband. <3

Yesterday, I connected with a new friend from the States. She told me that she enjoys reading my blog and to keep at it! I still find it crazy that people are actually reading my blog. It's flattering and sometimes surreal...yes, that seems like a big thing to say, but it is crazy that people care what I am doing, what I'm thinking, my worries , fears and my wickedly bizarre thoughts.
Anyways....I asked her to tell me her story. I just wished she lived closer so I could give her a hug. She was in a long term relationship, 24, educated and seemingly, life was right on track. I'm going to make a long story short....they discovered that baby showed some markers for Down Syndrome so it was suggested to go for more intensive testing. Now this is where I just don't understand the States, we walk into any hospital and are seen and taken care of, no matter what. This poor girl, had to find a hospital that her insurance would cover. WHAT??? This hospital was a four hour drive from her home. It turns out that baby boy had quite a few markers for Down Syndrome and the amnio confirmed the diagnosis. Her boyfriend ended up leaving her and told her that he was going to remove THEIR son from his insurance plan, so she was on her own. She is currently putting herself through school, 6 months pregnant, a son who will have to had heart surgery as well as other services and he wants to remove HIS son from his insurance plan. I'm guessing the state will take care of that cowardly action. This lovely girl is optimistic and looking forward to meeting her little boy. She loves him, she wants him and she is going to be an unbelievable momma. I am so proud of her and how she has been dealing with all of the craziness in her life. Now this is a roller coaster and makes me think about my own life at this moment....a husband who fully supports me, loves me and who will be by my side until the end. Now, if he decides that this is not what he wants.....well, I won't write what I will do to him, it could bring about charges of threat. ;)

I forgot to tell you how the newspaper interview went....
It was awesome and my words actually flowed. The other good part was that the interviewer asked who he should direct the questions to.....HA!! HA!! HA!! Yes, perfect, that would be me.  :) Now when James was asked a question, I actually kept my mouth shut and let him speak his own words. I did good! :) My heart melted when James said that he loves this little girl unconditionally and can't wait to meet her and hold her. He's such a good man.

I need to hop in the shower and get ready...I think I may dress up as a pregnant, out of shape Superwoman. I'm sure the speed daters will come a runnin'!!

Brinley likes costumes too!! :)
Happy Sunday!!

27 April 2013

Steak and Morons....

Last night, I went to The Keg with my friend Mel. It was so grown up and fancy and yummy and fun!! I had the steak oscar and it was delish! I really enjoyed a couple of hours being an adult even though I don't really act like and adult, I looked like one at least. :) I wasn't on a schedule and I didn't have to bring a diaper bag into the restaurant nor did I have to take a bite, feed a baby, take a bite, feed a baby. I have to admit though, when I'm out, I miss Brinley. It's such a good feeling to connect with friends, but I also get excited to come back home and see my baby....and I guess.....my husband. ;) Came out to get in the vehicle and some moron was so close to my door that I couldn't get it open. I had to yell at Mel who was across the parking lot, to come back and help me. She had to go through the passenger door, crawl across the centre console and reverse the vehicle. Really buddy, are you that inconsiderate. Good lord. Poo on you!!!!!
My friend Shauna sent me this article. I loved it because although it is directed to parents with kids who have special needs, it really does apply to all parents. It's worth the read.
It is written by Eliana Tardio.

Here are my tips for handling stress in hard times.
  • Count your blessings. My son has been ill for more than six weeks with a serious lung condition as a result of asthma and repeated respiratory infections during the winter. Instead of focusing on my lack of sleep, the financial strain, and medical prognosis or declaring this to be the toughest time of our lives, I have decided to count the blessings of having good people around us for this experience. I’m grateful for the doctors, the nurses, the ER personnel and all the incredible people who find fulfilment while volunteering at hospitals. They bring joy and hope to us through small gestures like bringing us a teddy bear, a therapy dog to say Hi to the kids or even an extra portion of fries and ketchup.
  • Exercise patience. Understand that most solutions are not immediate, and that getting anxious will not change anything except make the stress harder to handle. In the personal case of my child, I know it will take time for him to get back to his typical routine, so I have two options: get desperate and stressed about all my pending work, or accept that there are things that can wait, be rescheduled and moved to a lower rank on my list of priorities while I take care of my son. 
  • Celebrate real friends. Real friends are always close by, and they’ll be the first ones to show up if needed. Don’t expect them to keep track of your needs on your behalf, as everybody is busy in their own world. But they will be there to support you if you tell them you need them. Many times friends don’t have an answer or cure-all solution either, but they can help you just by listening and reminding you of how great you are. Perhaps they help by giving you a break by taking care of your child for few hours or helping out with stuff that you have not been able to do at home. Laundry, taking out the garbage can, or just holding your hand without saying a single word are all ways that real friends can be more valuable than any solution to your predicament.
  • Make a plan. We lose patience and self-control when we feel lost and unable to keep track of our lives. Creating a basic plan that includes simple techniques or reminders of the things you need to do to keep going will keep you motivated and focused on your goals instead of allowing yourself to feel down, bombarded with tasks that seem impossible to accomplish.
  • Schedule. Buy a big wall planner and use it for scheduling all the things going on your life. Checking off accomplished items when done will help you feel proud and hopeful. Use a different schedule for setting your child´s needs like medications, therapies and medical appointments. Keep everyone organized to stay on top of things and bring you a feeling of accomplishment and control.
Life as a parent of children with special needs is not always easy. After getting through the most unimaginably tough times, we become stronger and more determined people both individually and as a family. Gracefully handling the stress of raising children with special needs is a learned art and, for me, being able to share that hope with others is the real gift of learning how to handle difficult times.

Lastly, the newspaper interview went well. It was perfect because the interviewer asked who he should direct the questions to. Perfect!! Pick me!! Pick me!!!! James had his turn as well and I never interrupted once. Pat on the back for Krista. :)
Brinley taking her first steps yesterday!! :))
Happy Saturday to you!!

26 April 2013

Not Again.....

I really didn't want to talk about poop anymore and after today, I am done, possibly, at least  for a while. Last night, I dreamt about poop the entire night after me being all silly and writing about it..HA!!! HA!!! I'm so funny. I dreamt that poop was being served to me on really fancy platters, I dreamt that there was poop covering my front lawn. It was horrible and it lasted all night. I need to get back to my first trimester dreams cause this is gross and out of control.

Onto the next topic. We have our interview with the local newspaper today and we are looking forward to it. It's exciting that others want to write about us and our little story. I hope I'm articulate and get my thoughts out. I hope I don't cut James off too many times and I hope that Brinley controls her diarrhea for just that hour. Darn, poop talk again. We have decided to cut out her formula for a few days just to see if she has developed a sensitivity to it, cause after the load she dropped yesterday and me gagging and her foot going in it and me gagging, it's got to end. Ok, no more poop talk.

I am happy that the sun had decided to make an appearance, now we can get out more and take some walks around the community. I'm always in good spirits during the day, but as I mentioned before, sometimes the nights are more difficult. I like that James always goes to bed later then me and is beside me. I get my nightly back tickle which calms me down, but I am still a bit anxious at bedtime. I honestly get tired of thinking, I get tired of worrying about Brinley and the new little bean. I get tired of getting tired which then makes me more tired. You get me?? I tell myself constantly, day by day and I can't control everything. Let it go Krista.

Next thought, I was talking to my momma a while back and mentioned to her that most women in my position are back at work and full time. I would be in a nut house if I was working full time. How do you get a baby up, get them ready for a day home and get yourself ready and make it to work on time??? How is this possible? How are you not like a robot? Is it the coffee that keeps you going? I just couldn't imagine, but it's reality. I don't even think that women in the US get a full year off. I need sleep in order to function. I'll head back to work some time, but not when they are babies. James bought a lottery ticket today! I feel lucky! :)

Next thought, I was watching that ridiculous show, The View yesterday and was actually interested in one of their Hot Topics. They were discussing having guns in the house and if you would let your child go over to a house where you knew they had weapons. What if you didn't know? I don't know, maybe it's different here in Canada, but I don't hear about people having guns in the house. I guess it really isn't lunch conversation. James has his gun license and I asked him if we could have a gun in our home. Yup, we can. The thought of having weapons in the house, even if they were in a safe, freaks me out. Having my kids go over to a house where they have guns also scares me to death. I hear stories about kids getting into safes or geeze, as easy as the nightstand and shooting each other on accident. I want your thoughts. I think that if anything, I would have to rely on my kung fu moves and my verbal abilities. I'm sure anybody would take off once I break out the kung fu and nobody would want to stick around to hear what would come out of my mouth. I could hear it now "ok lady, we're leaving, just stop talking and flailing your body everywhere. Dude, we picked the wrong house, she is crazy!!"

Happy, sunny and lovely Friday to you all. :)

25 April 2013

Full Bladder....

We had our echo yesterday and it went smashingly well. What didn't go well, was the hour drive to the hospital with a very full bladder and a husband who is 6'3" and thinks he is always running a marathon. For the first time ever, I actually considered pulling my pants down in the middle of the medical building and peeing on the floor. It was that bad. Then, it got worse when James said "hey look, there's a bathroom, too bad you can't use it."
"Hey, guess what James? You can get lost." Insert multiple inappropriate words all throughout the previous sentences. As many as you possibly can!!!

Poor Karen!

Spent some time with our genetics counsellor, Karen, who is absolutely delightful and wonderful and who has become a friend. Karen was one of the first people we spoke too even before we knew the results. She was realistic and supportive and willing to do anything to help make the journey a bit smoother. She is so pleased that we have decided to continue with the pregnancy. I told her that she needed to start reading the blog now and she would learn even more GREAT things about me! I think I scared her a bit yesterday. :)

The echo took a while as this little bean honestly does not stop moving. We couldn't get Brinley to move during ultrasounds, but this one, she is on the move constantly. Her measurements are great and her little heart shows no medical concerns. They did come across one small thing, her heart has a little hiccup, it palpitates. I will have to go to the OB for weekly visits just to monitor her little heart and make sure that it doesn't worsen. The doctor said that this happens often with babies and not to be concerned, just monitor. It will hopefully fix itself in the near future. We didn't get a good look at her profile yesterday, just focused on her heart. The Foothills Hospital is awesome and so diligent and professional. We appreciate all of their care and support.

I love this!!
Looking forward to my date on Friday with my dear friend. My one night this week to focus on me and my well being. It won't involve booze or a beach but I'm excited to catch up and have some good laughs. I hope you have your one night or afternoon planned. I'm following the advice from my bartender at Cocktails and Dreams (hopefully you've read previous posts) and I am providing you with all of this great advice free of charge! You should listen. :) 
I hope you have a delightful Thursday!