3 October 2013


Day 3 of 31 for 21 Challenge.....
Another hospital picture....Adele loves her sister!
Since I started the blog, I have met so many amazing people. Allison is one of my new friends from Florida. She is beautiful inside and out and one of the sweetest ladies I know. Things happen for a reason. People come into your life for a reason. I am so thankful that that Allison has come into my life! I keep telling her to start writing a blog! She would be awesome! She sent me this email and I decided to use it as my blog today......
PJ top...fancy shoes and no pants!
I think of you and Adele often.  I was sooo sad and heart broken to hear about your friend who lost her precious daughter.  I cried and cried when I read your post.  I cannot imagine losing my Maxwell.  He was a surprise and yes we struggled with it (and somedays still struggle) but I wouldn't change him for the world, I love him with my entire soul, so much so that it hurts at times!  My heart goes out to her and her entire family... she has been in my prayers.  I also pray for Miss beautiful Adele that she EATS!! and gets off that oxygen and grows stronger and stronger everyday!  Max wasn't and still isnt the best eater when it comes to taking his bottle, although he is a breastfed baby he only takes it with the bottle because he didnt latch well and his suck wasnt strong enough.  So I feel your pain.  Even to this day there are times when getting him to take his bottle is painful.  He still only takes about 4 ounces but sometimes he will only take 2 ounces.  I am like Max.. seriouisly you are almost 6 months old... it is time to start chugging these bottles.  Not sure if that will ever happen.
I also saw that you are going to get her 2 month shots... good luck.  (since Adele is your second maybe you have gotten used to it) I cried awful when he had to get his shots.  Poor thing. I wanted to ask you why you guys decided to get the RSV shots.  We went over it with our pediatrician, cadiololgist and Max's pulmonologist but bc his holes are closing they didnt think it was necessary.  Does Adele have a hole?  I think you said something about an ASD.  Max had an ASD and PDA at birth... but it seems like they have closed up.  We get confirmation in December.  Our Cardiologist is amazing and has had many babies with Down syndrome and felt that we didnt have to go for the shots.  That made me happy but also scared bc I know he is at risk for RSV and he can be a definite hospital trip if he got it.  My nephew got RSV and it was scary for him and he is typical.  The shots in the States are not covered by most insurances and cost $1,200 PER SHOT!  I was crazy but we were going to get it done if he needed it.
Brinley's baby that she feeds and burps!
I was sad to hear about your trip to town that was devastated by the flood.  We've been through two hurricanes and although they were CAT 2 the devastation was awful.  I can't imagine what it must feel like for you. 
I have to tell you... You are one of the STRONGEST people I know.  You always sound so uplifted and positive.  It is amazing and you are an inspiration.  I had a meltdown the other day because I was meeting new moms that have babies and children with Ds.  I met one mom that has a little girl that is 3 1/2 and she just started walking... I looked at her and wondered if Max would have some of her characteristics when he got older... and I had a total meltdown.  Thankfully my mom was with me.  I just kept saying... it is so hard to come to the realization that for the rest of his life he will be seen as different and have obstacles thrown his way.  I want to take it all away.  I want to make it all better for him.  I know I cannot and I know this is his path, we well as ours and all I can do is love that baby boy with every fiber of my being (which I do of course) and tell him and make sure he always knows how loved and supported he will forever and always be.  Then I also have to be so thankful that I get to hold my baby boy every day and rock him to bed every night and that was taken from your friend. 
Loves hats and shoes!
I hope we someday get to meet my dear friend... I really hope we always stay in touch.  I think I am going to start some ground work on my blog this weekend.  Thanks to you.  I keep meaning to share your blog of my facebook... but my memory is like a gold fish and I get on facebook while I pump (every 4 hours).  You think I couldremember.  LOL
Kiss your girls for me!  (is that weird or odd that I would love them and kiss them up if I had the chance?)  Tell Adele that she has prayer warriors and that I pray for her and your family.  She gets stronger everyday and I can see that in your pictures. 
Sending our love from down south....
All the best my dear friend... until next time.  Keep smiling and blogging and what an inspiration you are!
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If you want to rank my blog or leave a comment.....I am in the Special Needs section....I am number 20, I need to get to number 1! I am not doing this for my ego, I am doing this because this journey is important to me, it is important to share and to hopefully educate, entertain and show others that it can be done. I've said for a while now that these two girls, with the help of family and friends, will change the world! :)