2 October 2013


Day 2 of the 31 for 21 Challenge...... 

So precious <3

Well, we are getting to know Adele more and more each day and how she works. She has a cranky period that starts at around 8:00pm and goes until 10:00pm or sometimes later. She needs to be held and loved. She would sleep through the whole night if we let her and it's tempting but we wake her up....well, we try to wake her up. She is such a sleepy little girl which has turned into another setback lately. Her feedings have been painful. Very painful. I would gladly take suggestions but my guess is, we have tried it! If we feed her when she's super sleepy, more then likely, it's coming right back up. Trying to rinse formula out of a burp cloth is also painful, it's gross and sticky and stinky. I understand that it's not about me, but burp cloth laundry has increased dramatically.
We have an appointment this Friday with the pediatrician, I sure hope that her weight gain has been steady. She was 8 pounds 8 ounces at the PLC, which is up 3 pounds 4 ounces since birth. I think that's pretty good. I hope it's good enough. I seriously don't want to go back to the NG tube. I would be upset.
She also has her shots tomorrow evening. I know that at 2 months, it's 3 shots. It stresses me out but I need to get used to it as she will be getting RSV shots every month.

Always need to be close :)

I have to be honest though, I think that we have been lucky with her when it comes to her health. So many babies with Ds have cardiac issues as well as digestive problems. I am thankful that right now, her heart is doing great. :) Fingers crossed.

I've been looking into music therapy for Adele and for Brinley. I truly believe that it aides with brain development, speech, anxiety and memory. I am looking forward to hearing back from the places that I have contacted. I would love to have somebody come to the home and spend some time on a regular basis with the girls.

When do we start speech? Occupational therapy and physical therapy? I was thinking that this should be starting soon. Thought I'd ask friends first then contact the Developmental Centre.

High River

I haven't driven around too many areas in High River since the flood, but yesterday I was downtown and checked out some of the stores. Everything was closed. Some businesses are re-building and some just don't have the energy or the money to start up again. I also heard that 32 homes in one of the communities, will all be knocked down. Those homes were deemed inhabitable since the flood. They are filled with memories and keepsakes. I couldn't imagine not having the opportunity to go back into my home to retrieve my belongings. How do you cope? How do you start over? There is a small community that has been set up just south of High River for those who have been displaced. This is home. It's a bunch of portable type trailers all set up in a row, filled with families. Makes me sad every time I drive by. It's not home.
I guess they get to live there rent free for 90 days then they need to start paying. I think that it's reasonable as long as the rent isn't too much. Must be so tough on them right now.
I'm wondering if there will be an increase in anxiety and depression throughout High River? I truly hope that services will be set up to assist those in need. This is something that will resonate with many for a lifetime.
Adele, Brinley and myself, were given quilts as a gift from local quilters and quilters in Ponoka. It was so kind and generous and heartwarming. One of the families receiving quilts lost their daughter in the flood. She was trying to save somebody and in turn lost her own life. Made me sad. There was no water then seconds later, cars and homes were washed away.
I know that I've talked about the flood quite a bit, but I need to. One of my friends drove through High River recently and she told me that it upset her so much that she had to leave and go home. Homes are crumbling to the ground, there is mud and dust everywhere, businesses are closed, some are set up in trailers throughout the community. It's quiet and eerie sometimes. It's sad.
I know that we will re-build and in a few years, things will be back to normal, but right now, it's difficult for so many. I pray for the elderly and I pray for those who are not being covered by insurance. It's so confusing that we all pay insurance every month, then a disaster happens and they don't help, they run away with your money and refuse your claim. I sure hope that those companies end up without any clients. Shame on you!

You can't wake me up!!

I think I forgot to mention that our smart little peanut rolled over at one month and three weeks. She went from her belly to her back. I was floored. We were so excited. Just another milestone accomplished. It's funny because some people see Ds as a disability, but right now, I see it as the complete opposite. I know that I will get frustrated when some milestones are met later then a child without Ds, but for now, I get excited at the smallest steps. We do this with Brinley too. We celebrate any milestones. I still think it's crazy that one small, tiny, little sperm, swimmer, tadpole thing, swims and finds one egg and calls it home, then nine months later, you have this being, a real live human, with 10 fingers and 10 toes and ears and a nose! :) It's crazy!

Time to go play with a toddler and hopefully feed a baby.
Have a wonderful Wednesday...is it Wednesday? I think it's Wednesday. :)

A couple pictures from our photo shoot :)
Modern Nest Photography


**You may have noticed the Top Mommy Blog badge on my page. Feel free to click on it. One click counts as one vote. You can vote once every 24 hours. Just a click! :)

If you want to rank my blog or leave a comment.....I am in the Special Needs section....I am number 20, I need to get to number 1! I am not doing this for my ego, I am doing this because this journey is important to me, it is important to share and to hopefully educate, entertain and show others that it can be done. I've said for a while now that these two girls, with the help of family and friends, will change the world! :)


  1. Krista,
    Love reading your story. Lots of times I just think "yep, I remember that phase"...plus since you live here it makes it seem that much closer to my own experience:)
    The "when do we start speech, PT, OT" is a tough one. At least, that was my experience. You read all these blogs of kiddos in the States who start at 2 months old. With All. Those. Things. And you will find here, that does not happen.
    We are just getting speech now (Jake is 2 and 4 months) and that is because of a Developmental Aide contract through FSCD. We started Water Therapy (I guess they could call it PT) when Jake was 5 months old (could have started earlier but he was preemie too, so they said to wait...) and OT is only "on demand". Don't get me wrong, the people at the Child Development Center are AMAZING!! We love them. But the services definitely do not rival the services our south-of-the-border counterparts receive:(
    But, having said that, Jake is happy, healthy, growing, learning, and just perfect:)
    Anyway, that's all my ramblings for now! Love the blog! Keep it up...:)

  2. That makes me sad. Maybe we should get on it now. I would rather start a little earlier. My friend in Chicago has already met with the speech therapist and he's 3 months old. I'm so glad that you left a comment, made me feel a whole lot better.
    I bet Jake is just a sweetie. I am also so happy that he is just perfect. I feel that same way about our babies. :)
    Thanks for following along. I love getting feedback. I love that people don't call me crazy to my face. :))

  3. Your girls are beautiful! Praying all goes well with the weight gain and no NG tube!

  4. Thanks so much Michelle! I sure hope it all goes well too. Today was a pretty good feeding day. Prayers are greatly appreciated. xoxoxo
