26 December 2013



Today is Boxing Day and all we did was unpack all the toys and games and tech toys and more toys and books and some more toys. Adele napped on me for a couple of hours, which was nice. I haven't showered yet and I'm tired. It's funny what Christmas does to your body. It knocks you down and I didn't even cook dinner. It's always busy with two girls who are just over 16 months apart. It's beautiful and busy. Spending time with family is truly all you need and maybe a yummy turkey dinner.

We celebrated my birthday as a family on the 23rd, then spent Christmas Eve at my parent's house, where Danika and Ryder were just itching to open up gifts. I don't really help matters because I tease them relentlessly. We decided to get them only one big gift this year instead of a bunch of smaller things that my sister will eventually post on the swap n buy site when she needs a toy clear out. Ryder got a kid's tablet and Danika got a grown up tablet. Ange texted me today and said that the kids love their tech toys.
We were all spoiled on Christmas. The amount of gifts under the tree was unreal. Sometimes I actually feel bad and that maybe we take it too far....it's a lot.

Danika playing with the tablet :)

At the end of the gift opening, mom and dad came back with a little box and handed it to Danika. They had the family gather around and dad grabbed the camera so he could record the moment. I was thinking 'HOLY CRAP, Danika is getting something so sweet, maybe it's her whole college education paid for, maybe the promise of a car for when she's sixteen.'
Danika opened the box and pulled out a piece of paper. Ange was looking over her shoulder then I saw tears.
Great, somebody is dying and this is how they tell us, Christmas morning.
Mom and dad are calling it quits.
Mom is pregnant. :))) HA! HA! HA! HA!

A TRIP TO DISNEYLAND for the whole family, all ten of us!

There were lots of tears and laughter and excitement in the room.
Mom told us that everything is paid for, four days of Disney fun!

My parents were so excited to give us all this gift. Dad said that they have waited eight years, since Danika was born. We all talk about it often and just couldn't decide when would be the best time to go, now it's the whole family.

Danika and Ryder are the perfect age for Disneyland, eight and almost five years old, whereas Brinley and Adele are a bit young. Brinley, I know would have a blast, her and Danika are best friends, it is the sweetest sight and seeing them in Disneyland would be priceless. We worry a bit about Adele and are going to speak to the pediatrician and see if she would be ok to go on the plane etc. I know that families travel every day, I just worry about their ears on the plane and if Adele would need her oxygen, what if she gets sick......

I'm not worried about the work part of it as we have our family there to help and support. We just need some other questions answered first before we make a final decision.

I want to write about how one person made it sound like it would be the worst thing ever to take the girls to Disneyland, but I don't want to stoop to a level that will only cause issues. I chalk it up to jealousy. :) I wonder sometimes why people can't enjoy other's excitement and joy. It is the Christmas season. Boo on negativity.

Another gift that meant a lot was the one I got for James. As most of you know, James lost a lot of personal belongings in the flood. He has downplayed the loss and tells me that his plan was to get rid of some items, but this was no way for his stuff to go....
I bought him the first GI Joe comic in the original series, signed by the creator of the story and the artists. I cried, James cried. I can't replace all of the items, but this helps a bit to put a smile back on James' face. It was a nice moment.

This year, we opened some of our gifts at home and our stockings. I wanted to take my stocking to mom and dad's house to open but James said that it wouldn't be a good idea. Usually we fill it with gum, magazines, gift cards and some fun stuff. I was confused.
It was quickly cleared up as I opened up a stocking full of items labeled TROJAN. Yes, TROJAN. I now understood why he didn't want my dad to see. My mom, ok, but my dad, that would take it to a whole other creepy level. So, I guess it's time to spice things up. I'm not too sure about cherry and chocolate.....my sister and my mom just gagged!! :)

Grandma and Brinley <3

I love this post!

How I Told My 7 Year Old Son He Has Down syndrome! :)

A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed by a local television station. The day they were coming to our house, I woke up at 2:48 in the morning, convinced I was going to have an anxiety attack. Part of the interview was to talk about Down syndrome.

Why did I wake in such a state? My husband and I had never told our 7-year-old son he has Down syndrome.

It isn't like the subject hadn't come up. But how would it help him to know at this age? Can a child -- any child -- understand what that means? Honestly, I find most adults, including educators and other professionals, know next to nothing about Down syndrome.
The other thing -- how would I do it? I can't adequately explain how Curious George is entrusted to navigate ships into New York harbor or why the tediously boring Caillou seems popular. How could I explain Down syndrome?

But, now I had to. What if some kid's parent from school saw me on TV? What if they talked about him having Down syndrome? Then, what if that kid said to our kid at school the next day, "So you have Down syndrome, huh?"

My heart was racing during the next couple of hours as I lay in bed trying to turn this thing in my mind. Finally unable to contain myself, I decided to wake my husband.
"We have to tell him today!" I yelled, sitting upright in bed.
"What's happening?" came my husband's voice from under the covers.
"Wake up! We have to tell him he has Down syndrome!" I said.
"OK," said my husband in a resigned, tired husband way. At this point, I know he does not actually have any idea what I am talking about, but he has heard me in this we-must-do-something state before, so he then said what he always says -- "Settle down," -- followed by, "What time is it?"
"I'm not sure," I lied.
"Oh, God. Give me 30 minutes. Make coffee."

After much whispered debate, we decided we would both take the day to figure out how to tell him. Very thoughtful planning on our part. Teamwork would be our key to success.
My husband left for work. Then I told our son on my own.
The thing is, I wanted to be Team Us, but I could not manage my anxiety. I believed the only way to not have an anxiety attack was by telling him that morning.
I am convinced if Little Ricky had Down syndrome, Lucy would have done the same thing after Big Ricky went to the club.
As I watched our son from the doorway of the den, I thought, this is the last minute he doesn't know he has Down syndrome. He was watching "The Magic School Bus" and eating waffles.

I walked in the room swinging my arms in a Julie-from-"The Love Boat" sort of way.
"Hey, guy, dude, little man, buddy..." I trailed off.
Maniacal smiling.
"I'm going to turn the TV off for a bit so we can talk."
Like all males when notified they need to "talk," he put his head in his hands and yelled, "No, no, no, no. Noooo!"

As I sat on the couch and looked thoughtfully at him across the room, I realized I had no concrete idea of what I was going to say.
I am not sure where the following came from. It may have had something to do with seeing his collection of Avenger action figures on the floor. Also, a couple days before we had all gone to Thor, The Dark World. In fact, our son had worn his Thor costume to the theater.
"Have you ever heard the words 'Down syndrome'?" I asked.
"No," he said. How's that possible, I thought?
"OK, OK. Have you ever felt like you were different from other people?"
"No," he said in an almost indignant tone. This shocks me. It that true?
"OK. Well, I want to tell you something. Yeah... you... have a super power. It's called Down syndrome."
My son looks at me wide-eyed and makes like Mr. Universe with his biceps.
This isn't so bad.
I continued, "Down syndrome is an extra chromosome in your body..."
He started feeling around his mid-section.
"You can't see or feel your chromosomes, they are so small." I am realizing the scientific route is too abstract.
"See, Down syndrome gives you almond-shaped eyes and a terrifically adorable flat nose. And it gives you super powers. Some of your super powers are big love, photography and... um... um... farting. It also made you a little small, talking and being understood is hard for you right now and learning some things takes more work."

Auntie and Brinley :)

I saw by the nodding of his head and smiling that my son accepted all of this information. I am his mother and at age 7, that still pretty much means I have credibility.
The physical characteristics and the cognitive challenges are not debatable. The fact our child is very loving and has an obsession with farting is likely more typical 7-year-old kid, particularly boy, stuff. However, his photography is a gift from somewhere. I am feeling my way here in a world that does not provide a manual for how you tell your kid they have Down syndrome.

I leaned forward and said, "Not everyone sees your super power, so some people just see someone who needs help for some reason."
This piece of information resonates and my son starts laughing.
I continued, "The thing is, Daddy and I always wish we were better parents, but we never wish you didn't have your Down syndrome super powers."
That is absolutely true.
"Magic School Bus?" he asked, directing me to turn the TV back on with a waffle-crusted fork.
"Of course!" I said, relieved. And I was relieved. My anxiety was gone.
I emailed my husband to tell him what I had done. I included: "He's fine. Now it's like a lifelong conversation."

This is why my husband is my husband: He wrote back: "It's OK. You did good."
For almost four years, I have written about our family's experiences, including Down syndrome. My contention has been our son is not that different from "typically" developing peers. My husband and I do not see Down syndrome as a defining characteristic, but one of many our son embodies.

Does that mean our son has a super power? Maybe. Maybe we all do. This is what I do know about his having Down syndrome: it cannot just be about what he cannot do. Down syndrome is not objectively bad. For our family, Down syndrome is something to be respected.

Kari Wagner-Peck authors the blog atypicalson. She is a writer and Down syndrome advocate/activist. You can find her at: www.atypicalson.com


  1. Oh I hope everything works out for taking Adele to Disneyland. Planes with any baby is kind of tricky. Try to feed her when you take off and land as the swallowing helps their ears. Sucking on a pacifier helps too. Hopefully the doctors will work out any other medical concerns. Sounds like a great Christmas. Wishing you all a Happy New Year for 2014! Thanks for visiting Time with A & N in 2013

  2. I hope it all works out too Angela. We are kind of up in the air right now. My friend Sarah said that putting warm cloths in cups and putting them on their ears seems to work. I wish I was a more relaxed mom. :) Thanks for following along on our journey! I enjoy reading your blog. :) Happy New Year!
