7 December 2013

Chilly Picture Saturday!!

I figured that today would be a good day to share some amateur photos....
Brinley had the stomach flu this week, for the first time, daddy and mommy both had colds. Our goal the entire time has been to keep Adele healthy. Don't panic, I do not have pictures of barf or snot. :)

Sometimes the pillow is the best place to sleep :)
Princess Brinley
I love this picture - fell asleep holding her stuffy :)
Starting to move around - that is not how she goes down at night!
Bed time stories have turned into IPad Air fun!
Not the best place for your nose prongs Adele!
BEST PICTURE - You're Gonna Hear Me Roar!!!
So pretty :)
Loves her sister and lately a rosary that she found :)
Could only take this picture with the IPad!
Sprinkles has a drinking issue - then she twerked all night long. Santa needs to send us a new elf :)
Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. Your girls are too cute!! And Santa sent Sprinkles to your house cause he knew it was the only house crazy enough to be able to handle her! Although I would send her back just for drinking all my alcohol. No one gets to have a drinking problem in my house but me! Ha!

  2. Ha ha ha!!! You know what's sad? That may be the only bit of alcohol in the house. So so sad.
