27 April 2013

Steak and Morons....

Last night, I went to The Keg with my friend Mel. It was so grown up and fancy and yummy and fun!! I had the steak oscar and it was delish! I really enjoyed a couple of hours being an adult even though I don't really act like and adult, I looked like one at least. :) I wasn't on a schedule and I didn't have to bring a diaper bag into the restaurant nor did I have to take a bite, feed a baby, take a bite, feed a baby. I have to admit though, when I'm out, I miss Brinley. It's such a good feeling to connect with friends, but I also get excited to come back home and see my baby....and I guess.....my husband. ;) Came out to get in the vehicle and some moron was so close to my door that I couldn't get it open. I had to yell at Mel who was across the parking lot, to come back and help me. She had to go through the passenger door, crawl across the centre console and reverse the vehicle. Really buddy, are you that inconsiderate. Good lord. Poo on you!!!!!
My friend Shauna sent me this article. I loved it because although it is directed to parents with kids who have special needs, it really does apply to all parents. It's worth the read.
It is written by Eliana Tardio.

Here are my tips for handling stress in hard times.
  • Count your blessings. My son has been ill for more than six weeks with a serious lung condition as a result of asthma and repeated respiratory infections during the winter. Instead of focusing on my lack of sleep, the financial strain, and medical prognosis or declaring this to be the toughest time of our lives, I have decided to count the blessings of having good people around us for this experience. I’m grateful for the doctors, the nurses, the ER personnel and all the incredible people who find fulfilment while volunteering at hospitals. They bring joy and hope to us through small gestures like bringing us a teddy bear, a therapy dog to say Hi to the kids or even an extra portion of fries and ketchup.
  • Exercise patience. Understand that most solutions are not immediate, and that getting anxious will not change anything except make the stress harder to handle. In the personal case of my child, I know it will take time for him to get back to his typical routine, so I have two options: get desperate and stressed about all my pending work, or accept that there are things that can wait, be rescheduled and moved to a lower rank on my list of priorities while I take care of my son. 
  • Celebrate real friends. Real friends are always close by, and they’ll be the first ones to show up if needed. Don’t expect them to keep track of your needs on your behalf, as everybody is busy in their own world. But they will be there to support you if you tell them you need them. Many times friends don’t have an answer or cure-all solution either, but they can help you just by listening and reminding you of how great you are. Perhaps they help by giving you a break by taking care of your child for few hours or helping out with stuff that you have not been able to do at home. Laundry, taking out the garbage can, or just holding your hand without saying a single word are all ways that real friends can be more valuable than any solution to your predicament.
  • Make a plan. We lose patience and self-control when we feel lost and unable to keep track of our lives. Creating a basic plan that includes simple techniques or reminders of the things you need to do to keep going will keep you motivated and focused on your goals instead of allowing yourself to feel down, bombarded with tasks that seem impossible to accomplish.
  • Schedule. Buy a big wall planner and use it for scheduling all the things going on your life. Checking off accomplished items when done will help you feel proud and hopeful. Use a different schedule for setting your child´s needs like medications, therapies and medical appointments. Keep everyone organized to stay on top of things and bring you a feeling of accomplishment and control.
Life as a parent of children with special needs is not always easy. After getting through the most unimaginably tough times, we become stronger and more determined people both individually and as a family. Gracefully handling the stress of raising children with special needs is a learned art and, for me, being able to share that hope with others is the real gift of learning how to handle difficult times.

Lastly, the newspaper interview went well. It was perfect because the interviewer asked who he should direct the questions to. Perfect!! Pick me!! Pick me!!!! James had his turn as well and I never interrupted once. Pat on the back for Krista. :)
Brinley taking her first steps yesterday!! :))
Happy Saturday to you!!

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