15 April 2013

My Crazy Sister....

I asked my sister this morning what I should write about today....she usually says to say something about her, like how she just got her hair done and how pretty it looks or just write about how great she is and how much I love her.....poor girl needs to work on her self esteem. :))

My blog today is a letter that I wrote to the local TV station about someone who inspires me. (Guess who??)  

I am inspired by my sister every day.

In March of 2010, my brother in law was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The whole family was in shock. How could somebody in their mid 30's be diagnosed with cancer?? My sister, Angela, had to think about their two young children, Ryder was a year old and Danika was 3 at the time. We all live out in High River and Bob was admitted to the PLC, which is quite the drive from our home. My husband and I took 2 weeks off of work and took care of the children while Angela drove every day up to the PLC to spend the day with Bob. He went through many rounds of chemo and radiation with his wife always at his side. Angela made sure to keep the family's routines and life as normal as she could for the kids all while worrying about her husband and his health.

The months quickly went by and the family encountered more trauma. My husband and I got married three weeks after Bob was diagnosed with cancer.....ok, so that wasn't so traumatic.  :) Bob got a day pass from the hospital and stood beside us while we exchanged our vows. My sister was smiling and helpful and never complaining about what she was feeling at that time, but instead made the day extra special for myself and James. Three weeks after the wedding, our grandmother passed away. My sister's daughter Danika was very close to her Nanny and was very upset that she had gone to heaven. Angela now had to take care of a grieving and very upset daughter while still taking care of her husband. Always strong for everybody else. Well if that wasn't enough, our dear mother had a heart attack that August. She is healthy and well today, but of course this just added more stress and upset to the family. Angela was a rock for everybody and always supporting and putting everybody else first, while taking care of her needs last.

Since 2010, life has been pretty good and very busy. Angela has made a commitment to the LLS, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that she will help find a cure. Angela has raised thousands and thousands of dollars through fundraisers, online auctions and through the annual LLS walk. Angela has been so dedicated and passionate about raising awareness and educating others on blood cancers and other types of cancer. She has spent an endless amount of time raising the funds that are needed to find a cure for this horrible disease.
Angela has been featured in the High River Times several times as well as been on the news in Calgary because of her dedication to this very worthy cause.
I want everybody to know how wonderful and inspirational my sister is to myself and others in the family and in the community. She has become a local hero, but deserves to be viewed as a hero to all of Calgary and Alberta.

There is so much more that I could share about my sister, but this is a Coles Notes version of just how wonderful and lovely and amazing Angela Koenig is to all of us!!

Thanks so much!!

Sisters :)
I have to be honest, when I look back at this journey that our family was on together, it just reassures me that this new journey is something to look forward to. We have all been on journeys, whether you had lots or little support, you made it!! This is just a new journey that will be filled with some ups, some downs but my guess is, it will be filled with a whole lot of love. <3




  1. love love love. thanks for making me smile and sharing such awesomeness. happy monday :)

  2. Thanks Leanne for your comment. <3 Happy Monday to you. :)

  3. Your sister sounds like an amazing woman! And you guys live in High River! We live on Douglas Lake Ranch in BC, we go to the rodeo in High River every year :)

  4. Thanks my sister, I feel the same way about you!

  5. Oh Jenny!! How cool. It's just down the street from us and believe it or not, we haven't been yet but the plan is to go this year. It's either too hot, too cold or it's raining. I'm such a whiner. :)

    Thanks Ange!! xoxoxo
